Bloquean en Cuba la nueva revista digital de Yoani Sánchez

Bloquean en Cuba la nueva revista digital de Yoani Sánchez
Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez meets with lawmakers on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Tuesday, March 29, 2013. She told the media that even though the government is not, the dissident movement in Cuba is decidedly Democratic, and they all share the fundamental goal of promoting free speech and Democracy. (Barbara L. Salisbury/MCT via Getty Images)
Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez meets with lawmakers on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Tuesday, March 29, 2013. She told the media that even though the government is not, the dissident movement in Cuba is decidedly Democratic, and they all share the fundamental goal of promoting free speech and Democracy. (Barbara L. Salisbury/MCT via Getty Images)

La confesada obesesión de los últimos cuatro años de la bloguera cubana Yoani Sánchez era tener su propio diario digital. Este miércoles, por fin vio la luz bajo la cabecera "14 y medio". Pocas horas pasaron hasta que el gobierno lo bloqueó.

Quienes desde Cuba intentan acceder al sitio son redirigidos a la página Yoani$landia, dedicada a criticar a la bloguera y acusarla de tener intereses políticos y estar obsesionada con el dinero.

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